Monday, 19 October 2009

Summary of my new life

I haven’t written a blog post in ages, I forgot how to write a post. A lot of things happened during the last 4 weeks, it is impossible to mention all of them. So what happened is I moved to England, I started university, I turned 18 years old and my life basically just changed 180 degrees. And I like it. I actually love it. I hope I didn’t jinx myself by saying that, just joking.

I already made some friends with people from so many different places, even places I have never heard of before. But I am sure you will hear of them a lot more in the coming posts.

I really like all my modules except for one which is preparation for university, hello? I already am in university. Everyone keeps saying university professors are so tough but mine aren’t at all, I guess I’m lucky. Ok, one tutor is strict but I enjoy her class the most. In most of my modules we have to work in groups, so I met so many people from different countries and backgrounds which I find fascinating.

I live on campus, in a tiny room, you could call it a box but that would contradict with this blog’s title. I live in a building with over 100 students from different countries; this is quite an experience that keeps me entertained most of the time and can be a study distraction when I don’t focus and remind myself why I am here. My room is very cold and empty but it feels like home. I am living here now for just a month and I feel like it has been at least 6 months. Oh, another thing to mention is my room is almost always messy. All my life we had a house-maid that did everything from A to Z just like almost every Arab household, and now I am all on my own. I have to admit it’s not always easy to cook, clean, wash up and to stop the tempting feeling to just switch off the alarm clock and stay in bed. I really do enjoy standing on my own feet, doing everything by myself and not have them done for me as if I’m incapable of everything and anything. Even though I eat from the pot I cook in and drink from the bottle because I am too lazy to wash up the pot, the plate and the glass. I would recommend this experience to almost every teenage Arab, in my opinion we are all too spoiled.

The down side to living on campus, or to be precise in my hall are two things. All kitchens are so dirty. They are disgusting, food leftovers and dirty kitchen equipment. But when you get hungry, you will have to cook. You can try to keep it clean but it is a wasted effort, some people stick to the rules and others don’t. Our kitchen had 2 warnings already. The second issue is the constant fire alarms. At the beginning I thought it was so much fun, we all have to evacuate the building within 60 seconds at any time, day or night. But now it isn’t that funny anymore. Only this week we had 11 fire alarms. 4 fire alarms were in the same night. One was at 11 pm, the second was at 3am, the third was at 3:30am and the forth was at 5 am. I went to class the next morning as if I spent all night clubbing and had the worst hangover ever. I never went to a club or drank but now I know how it feels like. The reasons for those fire alarms are people burning their food or smoking indoors. What to do with 100 kids who just moved out of mommy’s and daddy’s house and have no idea how to cook?

The weird part is; there are so many Arabs here. I thought I would be able to talk freely in Arabic with my friend and nobody would understand us, but that’s impossible, which sucks. But what sucks even more is that I haven’t met any Germans so far, not one. 15000 students are studying in this university and I haven’t met any Germans, where are they hiding? This university is full of international students, any country you can or cannot think of, which is great. I am learning a lot out of lectures too.


  1. Hi! Nice blog, I followed the link from rebellious arab girl.

    Mahsa :)

  2. Me too. I hope this journey benefits you in many ways. Salaam

  3. @ Anonymous, thank you very much, I hope so too inshallah :)

  4. So finally the new blog is here,studying is more fun than working i think if you are going to a university

  5. yep, I know it took me a long time to start the new blog but I was so busy. To be honest I was really excited about everything so I didn't want to spend so much time on the internet. The first two weeks of university were internet rehab, I have never spent so little time on the computer for years.

    And yea studying at university is more fun than studying by yourself. I can be really lazy and I need a little bit of pressure.

  6. As salamu alaikum! I am curious in which university you are studying. As I intend to come in England to study. Thanks
